C h r i s t i n a.
Age 21ish. Student. Full time sleeping beauty. Part time graphic designer, gamer and ass kicker literally... LOL.
Always plugged into rock, indie electro, dubstep and pop sometimes. Dating a fat lazy bum bum name Jacob Lim.
Lives on black and soya bean. Learning how to walk on killer heels and you.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
and once again imma gonna say this.
its been almost like a friggin year since i get myself to this deserted blog of mine.
literally dead and swipped out of the cyberspace sort.
and when i am like now so bored and couldnt get to slp.
i decided to see how is my blog doing.
and oh my...
so dead! even the blogskin expired!
Hence TADA! eventually trigger me to change a whole new skin.
alright i know its not really user friend with is small navi screen up and down.
turn off however i dont see any i like.
Its cute alright. my mini chatbox in that ipod.
wahahaha.. however ive a problem to add in additional links for my friends' blog.
life been good i guess.
Left Homeclub, in SIM now studying businessssss...
weird leap from design to business.
HEY HEY.. not that i hate design or what..
ive my reason. and im still working part time/freelance as
graphic designer alright.
heh. life been good.. oh i gone thru that part.
jus maybe money wise aint tat good as im workin a full time now.
however, somewhat enjoying the sweetness of life without stressing cause...
however, its ending soon. like next year.
nothing good last forever.
just like my bloody blog skin.
4:35 AM